Blog, Healthcare

Reduce Year-End Stress with the Top 5 Most Effective Methods for Office Workers.

At the end of the year, employees, especially those working in office environments, often face work pressure, deadlines, and anxiety about next year’s goals. To help reduce stress and rejuvenate energy, the following article suggests the Top 5 effective methods for office workers:

  1. Meditation and Yoga: Make it a daily habit

Dr. Herbert Benson, a Harvard University professor and founder of the Mind-Body Medical Institute in Boston, states, ‘From 60% to 80% of patients who come to clinics are related to stress. These conditions respond poorly to drugs and surgery but very well to mind-body approaches.’ He believes that relaxation therapies and meditation reduce muscle tension, relieve anxiety, fear, insecurity, and especially reduce the activation of stress hormones. Another study published in the American Journal of Hypertension shows that meditation can provide cardiovascular and mental health benefits. The study, conducted at a US university in Washington, followed 298 participants, half of whom practiced meditation for 20 minutes once or twice daily for three months, while the other half did not. The results showed that the meditation group had significantly reduced systolic and diastolic blood pressure and risk factors for high blood pressure, such as stress, anxiety, and psychological distress.

(Excerpt from the article ‘Meditation and High Blood Pressure’ by the Vietnamese Heart Institute)

The American Heart Association (AHA) advises practicing moderate-intensity yoga, 30/5 (30 minutes/5 days a week) to improve heart health. Yoga helps relieve stress, depression, and anxiety through exercises that focus on breath control and mindfulness.

Therefore, practicing meditation and yoga not only enhances concentration but also reduces stress and eliminates psychological pressure. Integrating meditation into daily routines brings long-term benefits for your soul and spirit.

  1. Balanced Nutrition: Care for your health from within

A balanced diet plays a crucial role in maintaining an optimistic mood and reducing stress. Eating a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, high-fiber foods, and water helps keep your body and mood stable.

  1. Flexible Time Management: Never let work dictate your life

Organizing time flexibly and efficiently helps reduce work pressure. Prioritize tasks and create a flexible schedule to have time for rest and recreation, allowing your soul to relax.

  1. Regular Exercise: Comprehensive health through regular physical activity

Exercise not only helps maintain a healthy weight but also stimulates the production of happy hormones, reduces stress, and increases confidence. Choose activities you enjoy, such as walking, cycling, or participating in fitness classes to generate positive energy.

  1. Quality Time with Family and Friends: Emotional connection is the key to happiness

Finally, spending quality time with family and friends is essential to reduce stress and enhance spirits. When you feel loved and share joy, work pressures also become lighter.

In addition to stress reduction methods, if you are looking for an additional solution to enhance overall health, Korean red ginseng products from VN HealingFarm may be an ideal choice. Ginseng is a traditional herb with many benefits, including improving mental health, boosting energy, and supporting the immune system. VN HealingFarm’s products ensure high quality and safety, providing the best experience for users.

These measures not only help office workers reduce stress but also support them in their journey of comprehensive health care with the assistance of quality red ginseng products from VN HealingFarm.

Hippocrates once commented, ‘Nature is the best physician.’ Due to the direct and prolonged influence of nature, the human body has adapted strongly to its natural rhythms, such as the monthly menstrual cycle in women, the sleep-wake cycle following the day-night rhythm, and the day-night rhythm, which is considered the key rhythm. Besides significantly influencing the sleep rhythm, it also prominently regulates the heart rate, breathing rate, and secretion rhythms of internal and external glands. Deliberately disrupting biological rhythms can cause unpredictable disruptions and illnesses. Simple activities such as eating, sleeping, exercising, working, resting, and entertaining need to be reasonably arranged at specific hours of the day, month, and year according to a logical plan, especially for organizing work scientifically for mental workers. Like the Eastern philosophy of ‘Harmony of Nature,’ the renowned French experimental physiologist Claude Bernard clearly stated, ‘We can only master nature by obeying its laws.’

(Quoted from the book ‘Making the Brain Healthy’ by Cát Văn Hoa, Hanoi Publishing House, translated from the Chinese version by Đào Nam Thắng, 2004;

Secrets to a Long Life. Youth Publishing House. Translated by Hoàng Phương Lan, 2001.)

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