Blog, Healthcare

Understanding Functional Foods; Benefits of Using Korean Functional Foods

Health supplements, also known as dietary supplements, are products used to supplement daily dietary intake with the aim of maintaining, enhancing, or improving the functions of the human body and reducing the risk of diseases.

Health supplements contain one or more of the following substances:

a) Vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, enzymes, probiotics, and other biologically active substances,

b) Naturally sourced substances, including those from animals, minerals, and plants in the form of extracts, isolates, concentrates, and metabolites,

c) Synthetic sources of the components mentioned in points a and b above.

Health supplements are presented in various processed forms such as capsules, tablets, coated tablets, granules, powder, liquids, and other formulations, and are divided into small dosage units for consumption.

(Based on Article 3, Decree No. 15/2018/ND-CP dated February 2, 2018, by the Government)

The market is flooded with various functional foods, adorned with attractive labels and packaging, advertised as having excellent health benefits. In Vietnam, there is also a diverse range of domestic and imported functional foods. Most people trust Made in Vietnam products, while others prefer products originating from abroad, primarily those manufactured in South Korea. So, what reasons lead households and individuals to trust and use South Korean functional foods? Let’s explore the benefits of using South Korean functional foods below!

Benefits of Using South Korean Functional Foods

Top-notch Quality: The combination of high-quality ingredients and modern production processes ensures the highest quality of South Korean functional foods.

Safety and Effectiveness: Products are often quality and safety tested according to international standards, instilling confidence in consumers.

Diverse Product Range: Integration of technology and medical research helps create a diverse range of products, catering to the specific health needs of individuals.

Embracing a Healthy Lifestyle: Using South Korean functional foods is not only about nutritional supplementation but also an investment in a comprehensive healthy lifestyle.

Long-term Commitment: Reputable brands often commit to consumers regarding the quality and effectiveness of their products, fostering long-term and sustainable relationships.

Understanding functional foods not only helps consumers make informed choices for their health but also takes a step towards a healthy and safe lifestyle. Choosing quality, suitable, and reputable products is crucial to ensure that everyone enjoys the comprehensive benefits that functional foods can provide.

With over 30 years of establishment and development, VN HealingFarm, a branch of the HealingFarm Corporation (based in South Korea), has introduced a range of regular foods, supplements, and functional foods that ensure the safety and hygiene of food products. With all the necessary documentation and certifications in both South Korea and Vietnam, customers can trust our products to protect their own health and that of their loved ones.


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